Welcome! Just type in your business email and reap the benefits of membership–free for the first 30-days, no obligation– become part of the Shop Black Enterprise® Merchant Cooperative Association.
What does every small Black/Minority Business not want to be–small
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Why are we excluded from Financial and government Assistance?
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Are we too small for financial and government organizations to assist us?
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We Believe in you! We will help you when you are in financial need with a zero interest loan up to $3000
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You can have the biggest stage for your small business for less than a cheap cup of coffee– $1.90/day
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Your business will be featured on the Shop Black Enterprise Showcase s on the SORC Radio Network
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Among the important benefits of membership are:
=> The Merchant Member Emergency Trust Fund™. Part of your monthly membership dues are placed in a special purpose account for use by members who apply for an emergency loan or money for partnership or expansion through a zero interest loan.
=> Want to be part of one of the biggest marketplaces anywhere? You can be here because the Shop Black Enterprise Showcase™is on The SORC® Radio Network with live and recorded streaming video two ho9urs a day featuring 6-8 merchant members every day. It is the only shopping network on radio and has an audience of 35-50 million listeners/viewers.
=> Through our Customer Loyalty (CRM) program you do not have to sit by passively waiting for a shopper to drop in. Using shopper profiles we data mine and direct shoppers to your site based on their needs and life events.
This is the best $1.90/day your business has ever invested.