You, as a young Black entrepreneur hold the keys to the future of Black and Minority communities, particularly in the inner city. Low paying jobs with little or no training or opportunities for career advancement or trying to go to college to escape from limited opportunity has been the only major and limited routes to find a successful career and a life of accomplishment. There is a third way, an exciting way, right here on Shop Black Enterprise®: BizKidz® where you control your future and become an entrepreneur starting and running your own business creating jobs and revenue for you and for your community.
BizKidz® is the premiere website portal and venue for you, a young Black/Minority entrepreneur, whether you are a tween or a teen, including children with special needs you can build and run your own business and sell your innovation/invention right here building a business that you will always own and an income that only you control. BizKidz® provides you with all the tools you need to succeed. We even even be able to provide money for you to start and to grow your business idea.
BizKidz®CoLabz offers you the opportunity to collaborate with other BizKidz® members.You can collaborate on different projects using different chat rooms in BizKidz®CoLabz, a safe on line platform. BizKidz® CoLabz allows you to establish different projects in different chat rooms and work between chat rooms and contribute to the overall development of creative products and services.
Then your BizKidz®CoLabz group can be established on Patreon, a crowd funding site, to get investors for the further development of the your project(s) to bring them to market. In addition your project may be selected for funding by Shop Black Enterprise The project(s) will reside on BizKidz® CoLabz for continuous development to bring it to market.
Shop Black Enterprise® through its affiliate charitable organization, provides funding and resources for BizKidz® entrepreneurs to develop products and services into a full fledged business! BizKidz® is an incubator for you to develop as an entrepreneur, design and market products and services and as an entrepreneur, contribute to the life of the community. We provide opportunities for you to learn the business of business–what it takes to build and to run a successful enterprise from concept to sales.
BizKidz®Radio is broadcast weekly on Shop Black Enterprise® partner, the SORC® Radio Network to over 30-million listeners throughout Canada the US and Mexico. You will have the opportunity to be on BizKidz®Radio and tell your story demonstrating your product/service, make sales while expanding your brand.
BizKidz® is the perfect place place for kid shoppers. What kids, tweens and teens like to see, wear, eat, visit and play with. Kids can come here and buy from other kids supporting BizKidz® entrepreneurs.